Welcome to No Mercy Mods! This is a site dedicated to the classic wrestling game, WWF No Mercy. Though over a decade old, No Mercy is still regarded as one of the finest wrestling games to ever exist.
*With the release of WWF Wrestlemania 2000, message board communities started experimenting with shifting the values of the game code with the popular cheat device Gameshark. This allowed for people to essentially splice and trim animations to create all new moves into the game and also create new match types. Cages could be made higher or even given roofs, colors could be changed around to create new arenas and hidden content could even be found left behind in the source code. The hacking would be taken much further with WWF No Mercy where archives like Jam Stubbs would not only offer the values for near every part of the game but also show off some impressive codes to try out. New moves are still being created on a daily basis by hackers.
*But most of exciting of all is the possibilities that came with emulation. When the Rice Video plug in was released with a texture dump and replacement feature included, it sparked a large interest in creating new high resolution versions of N64 classics, and no other game illustrates these possibilities better than No Mercy. Through this, fans have been able to not only include complete new rosters of authentic looking stars from wrestling and even comic books, but also make them in detailed high resolution giving the game a complete new look.
More recently, many people have changed the style of No Mercy texture projects by participating in what is called 'AKI' style texture modding. The graphics are made to simulate the low resolution style of the original cart, with fantastic results. Because of this, many full game conversions that would usually take years to finish, can be finished much more quickly.
New information and discoveries are still made to this day. Very recently, it was made possible to assign a different move-set for each individual wrestlers attire, opening up possibilities of huge rosters that could easily be over 100 wrestlers was now a reality. With the recent discovery of move-set replacements via direct rom hacking, it opens up even more space for hackers to cram more innovations in the game.
A small, but dedicated community continues to make this classic game feel fresh. Considering the sheer size of the wrestling world... past, present, and future, it is safe to say that new content will continue to come out regularly.
*From HardcoreGaming101.net