Montblanc introduced serial numbers in 1991 in some sort of attempt to counter the replica/counterfeit market. This has not been particularly effective. All true genuine Montblanc pens have a serial number on them. You simply have to know where the pen serial number location is on your specific pen. There are some fake pens that have a number on them, but not all. If you are curious as to how to find the number, you may have to do a little number research, but in general, it is easy to find. Serial #'s don't have a specified number of digits. Older models will most likly have fewer digits than current production. Some of the #'s started with GE or GER on the first pens to be produced with serial #'s in 1991. There is no database at Montblanc of serial #'s except for limited editions.
To analyze Mont Blanc batch code, and check production date and shelf life for Mont Blanc, please enter the batch code in the calculator form.
Many companies have periodic batch codes that repeat over time, e.g. repeat each 10 years. Vintage fragrances often do not have batch codes at all. To help you identifying the correct year of production, below you could find some of Mont Blanc products with the date of launch.